Monday, March 16, 2009



Newspapers are going down the drain due to their strong competition... the internet! What happened to the good old days when families would gather around the radio to wait for their weekly news, or when people would walk out to the street every morning to grab their newspaper? The internet... thats what happened! Many people today are asking," is the internet replacing newspapers and other traditional forms of news?" Also, "if so, how is the internet replacing the newspapers," and "what are the affects of this transformation, are they good or bad?"

Is the Internet replacing newspapers?... YES
-Millions of people look directly toward instant online news to view thousands of images and video clips that pour over first-hand accounts written nearly as quickly as reporters could type them.
-Newspapers all through out the nation are experiencing more and more budget cuts and staff layoffs and most likely there will be even more over the next several years.
-The number of people who visit the New York Times website compared to those that buy the printed copy is already at a staggering disparity and is constantly increasing in margin.

What is the internet giving society that the newspapers cannot?
-It is easy to access, and practically free
-It allows people to express their opinions as well as news agencies sharing their stories
-It allows for a range of ideas to be read by a broader audience
-The option to easily comment on blogs, unlike newspapers, this gives people a way to filter out what they hear
-Gives everyone and anyone a role to play

What affects do the internet have on society?
-It wont be too much longer before waking up to the morning paper will no longer be available.
-Younger society is growing up in a growing digital world, thus the idea of the printed word is becoming obsolete
-It is forcing people to accept the new form of information provided, because soon it will be the only source of information

Check it out for yourself! The following links are to newspaper websites, they all reveal just how quick and easy news can be accessed today!

Or, check out this blog! See how blogs are becoming the new wave of information and advertisement in society!

Sorry but... bye bye newspapers... you days are reaching the end!

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