Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Commercial Deconstruction

Advertisements are everywhere and they desperately compete for our attention. Everywhere we look, attractive men and women draw us in to somehow inspire us to purchase their products. This attention-getting strategy is popular, and surely enough... IT WORKS!

Advertisements, in my opinion, should follow a basic code of ethics:
First and for-most, ads should avoid stereotyping by race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, geography, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance or social status.
Also, the ad should be age friendly
And, the ad needs to have an understandable message or goal

Does the Quiznos advertisement above follow this code of ethics? Yes, for the most part. The advertisement does not stereotype and its overall goal is to sell their new sandwich; however, it does push the age friendly regulation. Obviously a six or seven year would not understand the strong sexual innuendo in the Quiznos advertisement, in spite of that, kids today are becoming wiser and wiser about sex every year because sex is everywhere, it is only a matter of time before they figure it out.

I know you have heard it before... SEX SELLS! The commercial above is a prime example of a sexual innuendo, meaning it says sex without actually saying it blatantly. Because it is human nature to be curious about sex, the sex appeal increases the effectiveness of an ad or commercial because it attracts the customer’s attention. Sex in advertising has stirred controversy for many years, advertiser have to be careful when incorporating it in a campaign. Also, the sexual content in advertising must be appropriate to the product category and have a proper underlying message, thus ad campaigns turn to innuendos because they are not actually "saying" sex or "selling" sex, but merely using the sex topic to sell there product or reveal their message... whatever that may be?

An innuendo is an indirect intimation about a person or thing, esp. of a disparaging or a derogatory nature.
The following link reveals these innuendos:

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